Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Whiskered Treeswift & Blue Tailed Bee Eater

24th December 2011, Kemensah, Selangor

Local Name: Layang-layang Jambul Kecil

Scientific Name: Hemiprocne comata

Whiskered Treeswifts are  beautiful birds, wearing a mask like a superhero they are simply adorable. This one is a male with the rufous ear coverts.



Local Name: Berek-berek Carik Dada

Scientific Name: Merops philippinus

Blue-tailed Bee eaters are pretty common in Kemensah often seen flying around in a group of about half a dozen or so. Although they are called bee eaters their diet is not limited to bees.



  1. Glad to see your new site, Madi. Both of these images are stunning.

  2. Thanks Wilma, Glad to be back & posting again. I had problems updating my previous blog so opening a new site was actually the last resort.
